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ApplicantExtra Products (2)


Applicant Tracking System


Recruiting / Talent Acquisition

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ApplicantExtra Info


January 2008

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Candid Software - Products ApplicantExtra Our core product that we have been honing and developing for 7 years. Applicantextra is a recruitment management system that helps small to medium sized recruitment agencies make the most of their candidate and client... Show More

About this vendor

Candid Software - Products
Our core product that we have been honing and developing for 7 years. Applicantextra is a recruitment management system that helps small to medium sized recruitment agencies make the most of their candidate and client resources.

Designed with simplicity in mind, the system allows users to easily create data rich candidate records from a variety of sources such as emailed CV/résumé, Linkedin profiles or local CV/résumé files.

Searching and matching is powerful and flexible in Applicantextra. With full boolean searching available in combination with various granular search options. If they are in the system you can find them easily and then email them or associate them with vacancies in the system.

The possibllities are too numerous to list here so please check out the system at the dedicated website....

Website Development
Candid Software can draw on the collective experience of our dedicated development team to bring you a beautiful, functional and responsive website. Our sites will flow well on almost any device and drive business to you organisation.

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