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Appro-Rx Products (3)


Pharmacy Benefit Provider


Pharmacy Cost and Transparency Tools


Specialty Drug Management

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Waynesville, Ohio



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Appro-Rx is a growing Health Information Technology (HIT) company dedicated to payer medical cost reduction and improvement in patient health outcomes via their provider network. Through the use of Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) technologies, Appro-Rx provides customers with prescription drug... Show More

About this vendor

Appro-Rx is a growing Health Information Technology (HIT) company dedicated to payer medical cost reduction and improvement in patient health outcomes via their provider network. Through the use of Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) technologies, Appro-Rx provides customers with prescription drug claims processing, prescription benefit management tools and other IT needs.

The principals of Appro-Rx believe strongly that the PBM model is broken, and we have set out to be industry game changers. We are targeting current practices – spread pricing on prescription drugs, manufacturers’ rebates and mandatory mail order programs that benefit PBMs instead of employers and patients. Our mission to bring pricing fairness and transparency to the PBM industry will enable employers to realize significant cost savings and improved health outcomes for their employees.

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