Backgrounds Online is a global background screening company that’s proud to be based in Sacramento, California. As a leader in our industry for more than 22 years, we remain a service first company that takes time to learn about the specific needs of our clients so we can address their hiring challenges.
Our applicant self-submittal process creates a transparent and user friendly experience that streamlines the ordering process, maintains compliance and improves turnaround time. Most background checks are completed in 1-3 business days empowering companies to make informed decisions, maintain safe work environments and protect their brand.
The team at Backgrounds Online helps organizations customize screening packages based on their requirements, industry regulations and applicable laws. Our experienced staff focuses on being responsive, offering unsurpassable care and producing intuitive reports.
We’re accredited by the Professional Background Screening Association, an organization that requires Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) like Backgrounds Online to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics and accountability. Each member of our team also earns their Fair Credit Report (FCRA) certification and strives to keep up with employment laws and best practices so we can help bolster the compliance efforts of the people we serve.