
Blue Genes

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Blue Genes Products (4)


Genetics Informed Drug & Treatment Guidance


Pharmacy Benefit Provider


Pharmacy Cost and Transparency Tools


Specialty Drug Management

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It is time for a change in how prescription drugs are chosen. Blue Genes is an app-based tool that enables you to choose the right drugs for you based on how the drugs interact with each other and how the... Show More

About this vendor

It is time for a change in how prescription drugs are chosen. Blue Genes is an app-based tool that enables you to choose the right drugs for you based on how the drugs interact with each other and how the drugs interact with your specific biology. By optimizing the mix of drugs according to your genetic make-up and drug-to-drug interactions, you can be assured that the drugs you need are the right drugs for you! No more trial-and-error prescribing, you can get it right the first time. Blue Genes is the first program that considers both drug-drug and gene-drug interactions in suggesting the best drug(s) for the patient. This new application will provide better clinical outcomes, and more savings throughout healthcare.

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