See Which Companies Are
Researching Your Products

Market and sell your offerings to the right prospects, at exactly the right time with Shortlister’s Buyer Intent Data. 
See which companies are looking at your profile on Shortlister’s public website, viewing your competitors, and researching the products you offer.

Marketers: Focus Your Messaging

Stop serving up generic content to prospects and leads.

Shortlister Buyer Intent Data lets you see the companies researching you and your competitors,
so you can run thoughtful ABM campaigns that speak to the buyer’s interests.

Business Development:
Target In-Market Buyers

Eliminate the guesswork of cold outreach and specifically target companies that are currently in-market for the products you offer.

Shortlister Buyer Intent Data will tell you which companies are researching the products you offer, along with if they’ve viewed your organization on Shortlister’s public website and any competitors they’re researching. Savvy business development teams use Intent data to prioritize their outreach to the companies that are most receptive to a conversation.

Sales: Personalize Your Pitches

Stop running generic discovery meetings and cut down on prospect research time.

Shortlister Buyer Intent Data shows you the products a buyer is interested in and the competitors a prospect is comparing you against. Use Intent data insights to customize your presentations to proactively address questions and differentiate your solution from your competition. 

Customer Success:
Reduce Churn

Don’t wait until customers tell you they are exploring options to fight to retain their business.

With Shortlister Buyer Intent Data, you can see if your current customers are researching other vendors in your space, letting your team proactively reach out before it’s too late.

Your Future Customers Are on Shortlister

Find out who is researching you and your competition with Shortlister Buyer Intent Data, and sell smarter today.

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