Clinked helps teams & businesses work more efficiently together in the cloud. We are based in Cambridge (UK), where management, engineering, marketing and customer support take place.
Our philosophy is to make team collaboration simple, secure and social for organisations of all sizes, across industry and geographical borders. Our Case Studies section gives evidence on how Clinked makes collaboration easy & cost-efficient:
Efficient client communications and teamwork when using collaborative capabilities rather than emailing.
Secure file sharing doesn’t need to be expensive or take months to implement – with Clinked, it takes minutes!
Replacing SharePoint with Clinked – saving thousands of pounds.
G-Suite integration.
No IT integration or training required.
Content & discussions in one search-friendly place.
24/7 phone and email support possibilities.
Tailored package solutions.
Start collaborating within minutes.
Also, Clinked is available in 11 languages and offers customer support within GMT business hours (24/7 for Enterprise customers), irrespective of global location.