90 Degree Benefits vs CorVel Corporation

Compare and evaluate 90 Degree Benefits vs CorVel Corporation based on data from reviews, publicly available sources, and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for a free account.

90 Degree Benefits offers Healthcare Third Party Administrator, Reference Based Pricing (RBP) to companies with 0 employees. CorVel Corporation offers to companies with 0 employees.

The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its employees.

Product Description

90 Degree Benefits


CorVel Corporation


Min. Group Size

90 Degree Benefits


CorVel Corporation


Lives Serviced

90 Degree Benefits


CorVel Corporation


Product Specific Features

90 Degree Benefits


TPA online Platform 


TPA ID Card 


Customer support 


Data collection and document management 


Online claim management service 


Fraud detection tool 


Automated data analytics 


Ambulance support 


Support for medicines supply 

CorVel Corporation


90 Degree Benefits


Global Capabilities


Responsive Design


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed

CorVel Corporation

Official Resources

90 Degree Benefits

CorVel Corporation


90 Degree Benefits

CorVel Corporation


90 Degree Benefits

At 90 Degree Benefits, we believe the right health plan does more than just provide benefits – it takes your... Show More

CorVel Corporation

CorVel is a leader of risk and healthcare management solutions to employers, third-party administrators, insurance companies, and government agencies. We... Show More


90 Degree Benefits


CorVel Corporation



90 Degree Benefits

Birmingham, AL

CorVel Corporation

1920 Main St, Suite 900, Irvine, CA 92614, US


90 Degree Benefits


CorVel Corporation

Funding Summary

90 Degree Benefits

Not Provided

CorVel Corporation

Not Provided



90 Degree Benefits


CorVel Corporation



90 Degree Benefits

0.0 (0)

CorVel Corporation

0.0 (0)


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