Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc. vs Vori Health

Compare and evaluate Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc. vs Vori Health based on data from reviews, publicly available sources, and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for a free account.

Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc. offers Ergonomics / Musculoskeletal to companies with 275,000 employees. Vori Health offers Ergonomics / Musculoskeletal, Health Coaching, Second Opinion Services to companies with 500,000 employees.

The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its employees.

Vori Health

Vori Health

Reviews pending

Product Description

Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.


Vori Health


Min. Group Size

Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.


Vori Health

3 eligible

Lives Serviced

Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.


Vori Health


Product Specific Features

Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.

Not offered

AI-platform for MSK


MSK support specialists


Individualized treatment plans


Clinical care in-house


Clinical care by contractors   


Authorized clinicians' access  

Not offered

Upload scans

Not offered

Computerized diagnosis

Not offered

Correct exercise posture


MSK mobile app


Immediate pain relief


Digital program for pre-surgery patients


Medical claims analysis

Vori Health


AI-platform for MSK


MSK support specialists


Individualized treatment plans


Clinical care in-house


Upload scans


Computerized diagnosis


Correct exercise posture


MSK mobile app


Immediate pain relief


Digital program for pre-surgery patients


Medical claims analysis


Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.


Responsive Design


3rd Party Integrations

Vori Health


iOS Native Application


Android Native Application


Responsive Design


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


3rd Party Integrations

Official Resources

Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.

Vori Health


Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.

Vori Health


Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.

IMCs mission is to reduce the incidence, prevalence, and cost of MSK related disorders.We have worked with large self-insured employers... Show More

Vori Health

Founded in 2020 by a neurosurgeon and orthopedic surgeon, Vori Health offers a new care delivery model for treating musculoskeletal... Show More


Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.


Vori Health

July 2020


Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.

Tallahassee, FL

Vori Health

Nashville, TN


Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.


Vori Health


Funding Summary

Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.

Not Provided

Vori Health

65M Series A



Integrated Musculoskeletal Care, Inc.

0.0 (0)

Vori Health

0.0 (0)


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