Plansmart by Metlife vs Goldman Sachs Ayco

Compare and evaluate Plansmart by Metlife vs Goldman Sachs Ayco based on data from reviews, publicly available sources, and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for a free account.

Plansmart by Metlife offers Financial Education, Financial Coaching to companies with 0 employees. Goldman Sachs Ayco offers Financial Coaching, Financial Education, Cash Flow & Budgeting to companies with 0 employees.

The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its employees.

Product Description

Plansmart by Metlife


Goldman Sachs Ayco


Min. Group Size

Plansmart by Metlife

500 eligible

Goldman Sachs Ayco

100 eligible

Lives Serviced

Plansmart by Metlife


Goldman Sachs Ayco


Product Specific Features

Plansmart by Metlife

Not offered

Financial health assessment


Budget tool

Not offered

Cashflow tool

Not offered

Contest and reward management

Not offered

Benefits management


Accredited financial coaches

Not offered

Debt management counseling


Education courses administration

Goldman Sachs Ayco


Plansmart by Metlife

Goldman Sachs Ayco

Not offered

Global Capabilities


iOS Native Application


Android Native Application


Responsive Design

Not offered

SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


3rd Party Integrations

Official Resources

Plansmart by Metlife

Goldman Sachs Ayco


Plansmart by Metlife

Goldman Sachs Ayco


Plansmart by Metlife

MetLife started the PlanSmart program after feedback received from our annual Employee Benefits Trends Study indicated that financial wellness was... Show More

Goldman Sachs Ayco

Goldman Sachs Ayco Personal Financial Management provides company-sponsored financial planning to employees across Corporate America. Our advisors educate and guide... Show More


Plansmart by Metlife


Goldman Sachs Ayco



Plansmart by Metlife

New York

Goldman Sachs Ayco

Cohoes, NY


Plansmart by Metlife

Goldman Sachs Ayco


Funding Summary

Plansmart by Metlife

Not Provided

Goldman Sachs Ayco




Plansmart by Metlife


Goldman Sachs Ayco



Plansmart by Metlife

0.0 (0)

Goldman Sachs Ayco

0.0 (0)


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