The Pharma Force vs MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.

Compare and evaluate The Pharma Force vs MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc. based on data from reviews, publicly available sources, and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for a free account.

The Pharma Force offers Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), Specialty Drug Management, Pharmacy Cost and Transparency Tools to companies with 0 employees. MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc. offers Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), Specialty Drug Management to companies with 52,642,631 employees.

The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its employees.

Product Description

The Pharma Force


MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


Min. Group Size

The Pharma Force


MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


Lives Serviced

The Pharma Force


MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


Product Specific Features

The Pharma Force

Not offered

Balance Bill Protections

Not offered

Patient Assistance Program (PAP)

Not offered

Manufacturer assistance fill-in


Alternative drug sourcing


Pass-Through, Admin Fee Only Contracts


Rebate administration


No pharmacy profit interest

Not offered

All Specialty Pharmacies Allowed


Auditable Contract


Formulary customization


Multiple formulary options


Flexible plan design options

Not offered

Specialty drugs excluded


Utilization management carve-out


Utilization management


Price Estimation Tool


Price Finder


Drug Coupon Locator

Not offered

Prescription Discount Card

Not offered

Cash Pay Options Accounted For

Not offered

Copay accumulator


Live customer service


90-day fills at retail


Physical or digital ID cards

Not offered

Manufacturer Copay Cards

Not offered

Prescription Digital Therapeutic (PDT)

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


Patient Assistance Program (PAP)


Manufacturer assistance fill-in

Not offered

Alternative drug sourcing


Pass-Through, Admin Fee Only Contracts


Auditable Contract


Formulary customization


Multiple formulary options


Flexible plan design options


Price Estimation Tool


Price Finder


Drug Coupon Locator


Prescription Discount Card


Cash Pay Options Accounted For


Copay accumulator


Live customer service


90-day fills at retail


Manufacturer Copay Cards


Prescription Digital Therapeutic (PDT)


The Pharma Force


3rd Party Integrations


Live Customer Service


Employee Self-Service Tools

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


iOS Native Application


Android Native Application


Responsive Design

Not offered

GDPR Compliant


SSAE 18 / SOC Audit(s) Performed


NCQA Accredited / Certified


URAC Accredited


3rd Party Integrations


Live Customer Service


Employee Self-Service Tools

Official Resources

The Pharma Force

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


The Pharma Force

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


The Pharma Force

PharmaForce is a Third Party Administrator that supports your Contract Pharmacy, Mixed Use/Split Billing, and Home Infusion 340B Program Management... Show More

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.

For more than 30 years, MedImpact has been lowering cost, improving care, and delivering better solutions for our clients. Today,... Show More


The Pharma Force


MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.



The Pharma Force

Wayne, Pennsylvania

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.

San Diego, CA


The Pharma Force

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.


Funding Summary

The Pharma Force

Not Provided

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.

1 Corporate Round



The Pharma Force


MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.



The Pharma Force

0.0 (0)

MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.

0.0 (0)


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