United Healthcare (UHC) vs Premera Blue Cross

Compare and evaluate United Healthcare (UHC) vs Premera Blue Cross based on data from reviews, publicly available sources, and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for a free account.

United Healthcare (UHC) offers Group Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance or Services, Vision Insurance or Services to companies with 0 employees. Premera Blue Cross offers to companies with 0 employees.

The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its employees.

Product Description

United Healthcare (UHC)


Premera Blue Cross


Min. Group Size

United Healthcare (UHC)


Premera Blue Cross


Lives Serviced

United Healthcare (UHC)


Premera Blue Cross


Product Specific Features

United Healthcare (UHC)

Premera Blue Cross


United Healthcare (UHC)

Premera Blue Cross

Official Resources

United Healthcare (UHC)

Premera Blue Cross


United Healthcare (UHC)

Premera Blue Cross


United Healthcare (UHC)

At UnitedHealthcare we’re dedicated to helping people live healthier lives and helping to make the health system work better for... Show More

Premera Blue Cross



United Healthcare (UHC)


Premera Blue Cross



United Healthcare (UHC)

9700 Healthcare Lane Minnetonka, MN 55343, US

Premera Blue Cross



United Healthcare (UHC)

Premera Blue Cross

Funding Summary

United Healthcare (UHC)

Not Provided

Premera Blue Cross

Not Provided



United Healthcare (UHC)


Premera Blue Cross



United Healthcare (UHC)

0.0 (0)

Premera Blue Cross

0.0 (0)


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