Empowering the Ethics & Compliance and HR industries for more than 25 years, Ethico provides a suite of solutions that help companies manage risk and reinforce healthy cultures. From whistleblower and case management software that saves time, to employee screening and monitoring services that actually work, and elearning that doesn't suck, we focus on service and the human element to Make the World a Better Workplace.
Ethico lives by the word, CARES, and caring is infused into every aspect of our operations, every facet of our culture, every interaction with our team. Actually empathizing with our clients, the job they do and the people they impact is a basic, traditional concept that seems radical in today’s transactional, automation culture. Getting back to those basics makes a world of difference.
Unlike other vendors who put profit over service, take your investment for granted, and neglect your needs day after day, Ethico is intent on serving you. Your needs as an ethical leader are our top priority. Clients who come to Ethico from careless vendors experience what a real partner feels like.