
FEI Behavioral Health

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FEI Behavioral Health Products (1)


Employee Assistance Programs

Product Description

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FEI Behavioral Health Info



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648 N. Plankinton Ave., Suite 425, Milwaukee, WI 53203, US



FEI has a 40-year history in enhancing workforce resiliency by offering a full spectrum of solutions, from EAP and organizational development to workplace violence prevention and crisis management. One of the most successful social enterprises in America, FEI was created... Show More

About this vendor

FEI has a 40-year history in enhancing workforce resiliency by offering a full spectrum of solutions, from EAP and organizational development to workplace violence prevention and crisis management.

One of the most successful social enterprises in America, FEI was created by the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, a national network of social sector organizations working to achieve its vision of a healthy and equitable society.

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