Food Addiction Reset (FAR), LLC offers online support for recovery from processed food addiction in the Addiction Reset Community (ARC). Putting processed food addiction into remission also puts a range of physical, mental, and behavioral issues into remission. The ARC is structured from findings from the textbook, "Processed Food Addiction: Foundations, Assessment, and Recovery," which was authored and edited by the founder of the ARC, Joan Ifland, PhD, MBA, FACN. Two key findings from the textbook are that overeating may actually be addiction to processed foods and that overeaters suffer from debilitating trauma. In this framework, the failure of weight-loss and eating-disorder programs to reverse diet-related diseases may be explained as missed treatment of processed food addiction and trauma. Accepted approaches to recovery from severe addictions are abstinence, long-term compassionate support, and the acquisition of good life-management skills. The ARC offers such approaches with 24-hour access to live, online expert peer support through video chat, Facebook Groups, daily emails, daily podcasts, a science-based video library, and Private Messenger Groups.