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GRAIL Products (1)



Product Description

The Galleri multi-cancer early detection test is acquired through a virtual ordering model, prescribed in a by a telemedicine request process. It is prescribed by a physician and the test kit is shipped directly to an employees home. Once delivered, the employee has the option of getting their blood drawn... Show More

About this product

The Galleri multi-cancer early detection test is acquired through a virtual ordering model, prescribed in a by a telemedicine request process. It is prescribed by a physician and the test kit is shipped directly to an employees home. Once delivered, the employee has the option of getting their blood drawn at a nearby reference lab or at home through a mobile phlebotomy provider. Both services are included in the price of the test kit and scheduling services are provided in the GRAIL developed employer portal. Clinical expert support is provided throughout the process but especially during results delivery with reactive support to individuals and/or their personal physician for next steps upon receiving the test results, and in most cases, for positive results.

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Product Features


Cancer Identification & Diagnosis

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Funding Summary:

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Menlo Park, CA



GRAIL is a healthcare company whose mission is to detect cancer early, when it can be cured. GRAIL is focused on alleviating the global burden of cancer by developing pioneering technology to detect and identify multiple deadly cancer types early.... Show More

About this vendor

GRAIL is a healthcare company whose mission is to detect cancer early, when it can be cured. GRAIL is focused on alleviating the global burden of cancer by developing pioneering technology to detect and identify multiple deadly cancer types early. The company is using the power of next-generation sequencing, population-scale clinical studies, and state-of-the-art computer science and data science to enhance the scientific understanding of cancer biology, and to develop its multi-cancer early detection blood test. GRAIL is headquartered in Menlo Park, CA with locations in Washington, D.C., North Carolina, and the United Kingdom. GRAIL, LLC, is a subsidiary of Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN) currently held separate from Illumina Inc. under the terms of the Interim Measures Order of the European Commission.

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