John Mattone Global, Inc. is the world's top authority on Intelligent Leadership (IL) and the creator of the Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching Process and Certification (accredited by the International Coaches Federation and approved for 22.25 CCE's). John Mattone Global is globally respected as a uniquely distinguished authority who can ignite and strengthening a leaders inner-self and talents, which enables them to realize four “game-changing” outcomes that they can leverage in their business and life: Altruism, Affiliation, Achievement, and Abundance (The 4 A’s). It is these 4 A's, that are the seeds of achieving sustained greatness and a lasting legacy.
John Mattone Global has powerfully engaging, internationally-acclaimed keynote speakers and top-ranked executive coaches. John is the former executive coach to the late Steve Jobs and the former legendary CEO of PepsiCo, Roger Enrico. John Mattone Global is now one of the most in-demand C-level coach organizations in the world.