One to One Health is an employer-focused healthcare provider that believes that all Americans should have access to relationship-based primary care. One to One operates employee health centers for companies like Volkswagen and Purdue University across the southeast and midwest. Additionally, our recent growth has come from virtual, direct care.
Launched by One to One Health in 2022, TextCare is the leading provider of mobile-first, personalized healthcare. With industry-leading patient satisfaction and engagement rates, TextCare breaks down barriers to quality care for thousands of working families and individuals, restoring the relationship between patient and provider. Leveraging the simplicity of text messaging, phone, and video calls, members have on-demand access to high-quality health providers on their terms. TextCare helps businesses of all sizes save money, improve productivity, and serve the round the clock health needs of the modern workforce and their families. One to One Health serves 400,000 members throughout the Southeast and Midwest, with the highest concentration of clients within public sector, manufacturing, and universities.