Parallel Profile delivers the opportunity for Personalized Precision Prescribing incorporating the impact an individual's genetics has on the safety and effectiveness of prescription and over the counter drugs, as well as considering drug interactions based on the other drugs they take and the out of pocket costs associated with each alternative. Not only does Personalized Precision Prescribing significantly improve health outcomes, it dramatically reduces costs associated with the 2.7 million annual inpatient admits and readmits coded as adverse drug reactions (ADRs). ADRs are frequent cause of outlier claims. In addition 100s of millions are wasted costs for medications that can't help that patient, and the associated worsening of un or undertreated conditions. Additionally, 128,000 Americans die every year from ADRs.
97% of people have at least 1 genetic variant that impacts the safety or effectiveness of an FDA approved drug. 43% of over 100,000 people test were currently taking a suboptimal drug.