
Performly HRMS

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4.6 (5)

Performly HRMS Products (3)




Performance Management


Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)

Product Description

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Product Features


Automatic payroll audit controls and support (to ensure compliance with employment laws, verify tax withholdings, spot human errors, and prevent payroll fraud)


Multiple pay variables (overtime, regular, bonus) combined into one W-2 and 1099 per employee


Tax calculation services


Multiple pay variables combined into one payment per employee (e.g., employees can receive an annual bonus in the same paystub as a normally scheduled paycheck)


Tax filing services


Gross-up calculations (i.e., money added to a payment to cover the income taxes the recipient will owe)

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Product Features


Automatic payroll audit controls and support (to ensure compliance with employment laws, verify tax withholdings, spot human errors, and prevent payroll fraud)


Multiple pay variables (overtime, regular, bonus) combined into one W-2 and 1099 per employee


Tax calculation services


Multiple pay variables combined into one payment per employee (e.g., employees can receive an annual bonus in the same paystub as a normally scheduled paycheck)


Tax filing services


Gross-up calculations (i.e., money added to a payment to cover the income taxes the recipient will owe)


Garnishment processing services


Unemployment management services


Multiple pay cycle options available (weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, etc.)


Automated W-2 preparation


1-on-1 support from tax compliance experts


Automated auditing


Multi-state payroll processing


Multi-country payroll processing

Performly HRMS Media

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Performly HRMS Info



Funding Summary:

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2035 Sunset Lake Road, Suite B-2, Newark, Delaware 19702, US



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Performly is a full Talent Management cloud based solution; Our aim is transforming Outdated Performance Management Practices to New Engaging and Ongoing Processes. Perfomly transforms organizations’ human capital to a highly engaged & productive Talents while ensuring Alignment with organizational... Show More

About this vendor

Performly is a full Talent Management cloud based solution; Our aim is transforming Outdated Performance Management Practices to New Engaging and Ongoing Processes. Perfomly transforms organizations’ human capital to a highly engaged & productive Talents while ensuring Alignment with organizational Vision, mission & Values. Our cloud based products focus on Performance Driven culture, HR Self-service workflows, Payroll & Internal communication along Organizations.

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