
PlateJoy Health

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PlateJoy Health Products (1)



Product Description

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52 RFI Questions RFI questions

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13 Specific Questions Specific Questions tooltip


Product Features

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PlateJoy Health Media

PlateJoy Health video/presentation/materials

PlateJoy Health Info



Funding Summary:

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San Francisco, CA



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PlateJoy Health provides personalized programs to prevent chronic disease risks, like diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Programs include virtual coaching, weight and activity tracking, meal planning and nutrition tracking, grocery delivery, and more. A free Fitbit and wireless scale are... Show More

About this vendor

PlateJoy Health provides personalized programs to prevent chronic disease risks, like diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Programs include virtual coaching, weight and activity tracking, meal planning and nutrition tracking, grocery delivery, and more. A free Fitbit and wireless scale are included as an additional tool and incentive.

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