PPCN is an independent third-party contractor that has been providing chronic condition care management since early 2000s. HealthMapRxTM programs are designed to manage costs through reducing financial and clinical risk for chronic conditions, including: Pre-Diabetes, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Asthma and Behavioral Health (focus on depression and anxiety). Who is PPCN currently working with? Primarily contract with self-funded municipalities which includes 20+ customers in North Carolina, Virginia, and New Jersey. Why has PPCN been successful? Pharmacist providers engage participants in-person during work hours. Use of participation-based incentives to engage and motivate. Data driven outcomes with oversight to achieve desired cost trending. Promotes drug therapy optimization and medication adherence. Accessible health care provider which facilitates an ongoing relationship. What should you expect? Program costs are consistently recovered within the first 12-months with up to $4:1 return thereafter.