Traditional approaches to treating muscle and joint pain are costly, inconvenient, and don’t provide the early identification and proactive care that members need. RecoveryOne is redefining physical therapy care and enabling members to take charge of their health from the convenience of home. Our digital solution, anchored with virtual physical therapy, enables members to recover quicker, safer, and are not bound by a prescribed number of visits or inflexible benefit design. Rather, they are dynamic programs that help members get back to a better quality of life using clinically proven care plans designed for any part of the body. Tailored treatment plans include virtual PT screenings, health coaching support, an exercise equipment kit, and an app for on-demand recovery sessions. On-demand sessions are optimized to member needs, tracked by sensorless motion tracking, and adjusted based on progress. The result is timely and accessible care that reduces your cost burden and makes employees and dependents happier and healthier. RecoveryOne is physical therapy reinvented.