She’s Well brings a Netflix-like subscription model to fertility, to help women, men, and couples to have children when they’re ready. The company works with its network of top-tier fertility centers to provide financing plans for fertility testing, IVF, egg freezing and sperm freezing. With an on-demand, 24/7 concierge care approach, She’s Well provides support and guidance, to make the fertility journey less confusing and isolating. 1 in 6 couples has trouble conceiving and we’re waiting longer to try. Women increasingly delay childbirth - one in three women in the U.S. has her first child after 30 and one in ten after 35. Male sperm count has decreased over 50% in the last decade. Despite all the solutions available on the market, infertility services remain available to only 1%. Health plans usually don't cover infertility treatments. The typical costs range from $12,000 to $20,000 for IVF, plus another few thousand for the genetic testing involved to ensure the fetus is chromosomally normal. To help, She’s well started out offering subscription plans and concierge guidance to make fertility care more affordable and accessible to the 99%.