We create the best competency-based products available for contemporary workplaces. We develop functional and easy-to-use competency structures, profiles, maps, plans, assessments, tests, and everything in-between. Our products and services solve the following problems: 1: We clarify and define what people should do in a particular role in a workplace to be successful. 2: We create valid and comprehensive frameworks to aid in define roles, functions, and responsibilities in a particular role. 3: We aid in maximization of human talent efficiency. 4: We aid in assuring compliance to regulatory and legal standards through the implementation of valid and comprehensive competency frameworks. 5: We solve workplace problems in context of role identification and company structure. 6: We capture valuable knowledge that can be structured and re-communicated for succession plans. 7: We assess existing competency frameworks and aid in their revision and redesign. 8: We create innovative products that are tailored a clients specific organizational needs. 9: We identify areas in workforces that can be restructured and made more efficient. 10: We are world leaders in train-the-trainer and DACUM facilitation.