Examples: diabetes, identity theft, COVID, Paychex, Fidelity
Compare and evaluate StayWell vs Personify Health based on data from reviews, publicly available
and thousands of searches run on Shortlister’s app sign up for
a free account.
StayWell offers Health Coaching, Tobacco Cessation to companies
with 1,700,000 employees.
Personify Health offers Healthcare Third Party Administrator, Benefits Navigation Platform, Wellness Platform to companies
with 8,482,422 employees.
The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its
Personify Health offers 100% insourced, NCQA-certified, ICHWC-approved coaching in which all health coaches are our employees. The differentiators of this... Show More
750 eligible
1,000 eligible
Not Provided.
Not Provided.
Not Provided.
StayWell is a health empowerment company that uses the science of behavior change to help people live happier, healthier lives.... Show More
Designed to optimize healthcare investments, Personify Health embraces a human-centric approach to address rising costs and complexity.
•... Show More
Yardley, PA
Providence, RI
Not Provided
1 Series B