Health Risk Assessments (HRAs) are an important tool for assessing health, reducing risks for many illnesses, conditions and injuries, as well as tracking and analyzing population health trends. HPN's Health Power Assessment HRA assesses over 65 controllable risks spanning biometric, nutrition, exercise, perceptions, stress, tobacco, alcohol, safety, vaccines and other actions and measures that apply to the following scores for each participant: Heart Health and Blood Pressure; Cancer Prevention and Control; Body Metrics, Diabetes and More; Resilience and Quality of Life; Germ Resistance; Injury Prevention; Total Score. Participants receive reports with their results, scores, status (red, yellow, green), tips to reach goals and recommended follow-up as needed. Administrators receive a detailed aggregate group report that stratifies group risks 8+ way, savings opportunities, and data needed to target support and track success. Time1 Time 2 reports and other report/analytics support are available for trend studies over time between consistent and new participants. Customization options are available. Other assessment options include: the stress and wellbeing snapshot (23 questions); custom assessment support via interest/planning surveys, impact/outcome surveys, incentive programs, 10 stress related assessments and clinical assessment support (e.g., SF12, patient activation measure).