HRIS Systems

Easily navigate the crowded vendor landscape

HRIS systems are solutions that bundle several HR technology products, such as payroll, recruiting, and benefits, into one suite.

"Shortlister saved us time and money, while helping us to identify a platform that fit our unique company culture."

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Rachel B

HR Director

Vendor Banner HRIS Systems Q3  2024

Q3 July 2024 : Winners

Top 7 HRIS Systems

List of the top 7 HRIS Systems Companies in Shortlister as of April 2024, presented in the order they appear in the full Vendor Listing tab.

Why We Picked Paycor?

Paycor serves as a one-stop solution for various HR needs, simplifying processes and centralizing tasks into a single platform.

Paycor serves as a one-stop solution for various HR needs, simplifying processes and centralizing tasks into a single platform.

  • Comprehensive Features – Paycor offers a wide range of features beyond just payroll, including performance management, pulse surveys, a learning management system, recognition, and company news.
  • Customizable Modules – Employees can pick and choose the types of modules they need, allowing for flexibility in tailoring the system to specific business requirements.
  • Accuracy & Multi-Location Support – Paycor’s platform provides accuracy and the ability to handle multiple locations and locales for team members, making it suitable for businesses with diverse needs.
  • Integration & Scalability – Paycor can integrate with other systems, and it also provides scalability to meet growing needs.
  • Unresponsive Customer Service – Employees have reported long wait times on the phone and a lack of responsiveness to emails.
  • Long Implementation Process – Implementation takes much longer than estimated due to the lack of a dedicated project manager, resulting in disjointed communication and delays in setting up crucial features.
  • Slow Platform & Clunky User Experience – Employees find it difficult to navigate the platform and find necessary features.
  • Limited Customization Options – Lack of flexibility in adapting the platform to specific organizational needs.

Is Paycor suitable for businesses of all sizes?


Yes, Paycor caters to businesses of all sizes, offering scalable solutions to meet diverse organizational needs.

Can Paycor help with employee training and development?


Paycor offers solutions for employee training and development, including online training modules and performance management tools. By centralizing these functions within the Paycor platform, companies can streamline employee development initiatives and enhance workforce productivity.

What support options are available for Paycor users?


Paycor offers multiple support channels, including chat support for routine inquiries, email support, and dedicated customer service representatives. Additionally, they provide training resources and webinars to help employees maximize the platform's capabilities.

What specific HR functions does Paycor streamline?


Recruitment, applicant tracking, onboarding, payroll processing, employee communication, compliance management, and reporting.

Can Paycor integrate with other software systems?


Yes, Paycor offers integration with various third-party software systems, such as accounting software, benefits administration platforms, and time and attendance systems.

Final Note

Paycor serves as a trusted partner for organizations seeking to optimize their HR processes, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to simplify operations, foster employee engagement, and drive business growth.

Why We Picked Sapling?

Sapling stands out for its commitment to delivering a consistent and high-quality onboarding experience to new hires across diverse locations and departments.

Beyond onboarding, Sapling automates many HR processes, making it an easy-to-use platform for various HRIS tasks like managing time off, viewing the organizational chart, and tracking promotions.

Ultimately, what sets Sapling apart is its dual focus on enhancing both the employee and HR experiences.

  • Efficient Onboarding – Sapling simplifies the onboarding journey, ensuring new hires are quickly up to speed by guiding them through necessary steps and compliance.
  • Integration Capabilities – Sapling integrates with various ATS and collaboration tools like Slack and Lever, providing additional convenience and compatibility for employees and HR departments.
  • User-Friendly Interface – Sapling's simple, clean, and intuitive user interface is highly praised, making it accessible for employees of all tech levels.
  • Flexibility in Customization – The ability to tailor fields, workflows, and HR processes to specific organizational needs is a key advantage, allowing businesses to adapt the platform to their unique requirements.
  • Integration Challenges – While Sapling offers API capabilities, some employers have reported minor integration challenges with specific systems.
  • Performance & Reliability – Employees have experienced bugs and occasional system crashes, impacting the overall user experience.
  • Notification & Reminder System – The notification system can be inconsistent, with reminders sometimes being sent too early or not at all, leading to confusion and missed tasks.
  • Limited Functionality – Employees report limitations in functionalities such as comparing tasks across workflows, customizing reports, and adjusting co-signers on documents.

How does Sapling improve the onboarding process?


Sapling streamlines the onboarding process by automating task assignments and document management, ensuring a smooth, structured, and standardized experience for every new hire.

Does Sapling offer automation for HR processes beyond onboarding?


Yes, Sapling automates a wide range of HR processes beyond onboarding, including time-off management, organizational chart visualization, employee promotions tracking, and more, making it an all-encompassing HRIS platform.

Is Sapling suitable for global teams?


Indeed, Sapling is equipped to streamline the onboarding experience for global teams, accommodating local tasks and requirements, which makes it ideal for organizations with a presence in multiple regions.

What kind of support does Sapling offer for setup and ongoing use?


Sapling provides comprehensive support for both setup and ongoing use, including implementation assistance, a knowledge base for common questions, and customer support for any specific issues or custom requirements.

Can employees manage their tasks through Sapling?


Yes, employees can easily manage their tasks through Sapling, which includes onboarding tasks, time-off requests, and accessing important company information, contributing to a more organized and stress-free work experience.

Final Note

In conclusion, Sapling's commitment to improving the onboarding process and automating HR tasks, along with its focus on user experience, makes it a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to optimize their HR operations.

Why We Picked Criterion?

Criterion emerged as a transformative solution for users grappling with the challenges of managing human resources across disparate and unstable platforms.

By consolidating HR tasks into one centralized system, Criterion alleviated the frustrations of navigating multiple systems while providing stability and efficiency.

  • feature Integrated employee profile feed (e.g., to team communication platforms, from incumbent HCM systems)
  • featureEmployee directory housing
  • feature Employee headshot housing and display
  • feature Customizable organizational structures
  • feature Functionality to export data for organizational charts
  • featureVersion tracking and historical data display
  • User-Friendly & Easy Training – Criterion's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for employees to learn and navigate the software. Minimal training is required, allowing them to become proficient and productive users of the platform quickly.
  • HR Software Designed for HR End Users – Designed with HR professionals in mind, the platform offers features that cater specifically to HR needs. From position tracking to FTE management, the software provides tools that simplify HR tasks and improve efficiency.
  • Customizable Reports – Criterion's reporting capabilities allow employees to generate custom reports tailored to their specific requirements. This flexibility enables HR professionals to extract meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions to support organizational goals.
  • Comprehensive Healthcare Management – By consolidating healthcare management into one platform, Criterion simplifies benefits administration and ensures that employees have easy access to important healthcare information.
  • Initial Learning Curve – Some employees find Criterion challenging to use at the beginning, primarily due to the abundance of features that may not be used regularly.
  • Programming Errors & Hiccups – Employees have reported encountering programming errors and hiccups during their experience with Criterion, suggesting potential issues with system stability and reliability.
  • Slow Performance & Lag – Criterion's performance may suffer from occasional lag and slow response times, especially during periods of heavy system load.
  • Difficulty with Large Data Uploads – Employees encounter challenges when uploading large amounts of data, which may affect data migration processes and overall system usability.

How does Criterion improve HR processes?


Criterion improves HR processes by offering a range of features and functionalities that streamline tasks such as employee data management, payroll processing, and training management. Its user-friendly interface and customizable options make it easy for HR professionals to navigate and adapt to their specific needs.

What makes Criterion stand out from other HR management software?


Criterion stands out for its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features for human capital management, and scalability to accommodate organizations of all sizes.

Can users customize Criterion to fit their specific needs?


Yes, Criterion offers customization options that allow employees to tailor the software to their specific requirements. From customizing fields and reports to integrating with third-party applications, employees can adapt Criterion to align with their unique HR processes and workflows.

Is Criterion suitable for managing remote or distributed teams?


Its cloud-based platform allows users to access HR information and perform tasks from anywhere with an internet connection, making it convenient for companies with remote or distributed workforce.

Is Criterion suitable for organizations of all sizes?


Yes, Criterion is designed to cater to organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Final Note

Criterion's appeal as the preferred choice for human capital management is its effectiveness in meeting the diverse needs of users within HR departments.

Why We Picked Netchex?

Netchex offers a centralized platform for managing diverse HR tasks, including payroll, benefits, recruiting, workers' comp, and more. Thus, the platform reduces the need to use multiple systems, making HR processes more efficient.

Moreover, Netchex helps companies maintain compliance with labor laws, ACA reporting, and other regulatory requirements.

It also offers features like electronic onboarding and file management to simplify HR tasks and ensure compliance.

  • Centralized HRIS Platform – Employees have all HRIS functions in one location, including payroll, time tracking, benefits management, and employee lifecycle management.
  • Customizable Features – Employees can customize the platform to fit their specific needs, adding or removing features as required.
  • Integration Capabilities – Netchex integrates with other systems, such as benefits administration and document management systems, enhancing overall efficiency.
  • User-Friendly Mobile App – The mobile app allows employees to access essential features like timekeeping and payroll from anywhere, making it particularly useful for remote workers or those without desk jobs.
  • Challenges with Reports – Some employees find that reports in Netchex are not always organized cleanly, requiring additional effort to manage data effectively.
  • Learning Curve – Employees may face a learning curve when first using Netchex, particularly in navigating certain areas such as NetBenefits.
  • Benefits Platform Usability – The benefits platform may not be as user-friendly as other payroll platforms, and integration with external providers may be limited.
  • Time-Consuming Initial Setup – The initial setup process may be time-consuming and demanding, particularly for businesses with limited resources or tight schedules.

How does Netchex simplify payroll processing?


Netchex simplifies payroll processing by providing tools for efficient time tracking, automated payroll calculations, direct deposit capabilities, and electronic payroll reporting. It reduces manual effort, ensures accuracy, and speeds up the payroll approval process.

Can Netchex help with compliance management?


Yes, Netchex offers features to help businesses stay compliant with labor laws, ACA reporting requirements, and other regulatory mandates. It provides automated compliance checks, reporting tools, and electronic recordkeeping to ensure adherence to legal obligations.

What self-service features does Netchex offer to employees?


The Netchex platform provides employees with self-service access to their personal information, including pay stubs, time-off balances, benefits enrollment, and performance reviews.

Is Netchex suitable for businesses of all sizes?


The company caters to businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Its scalable platform offers customizable solutions to meet the unique needs of each organization, regardless of its size or industry.

Can Netchex integrate with other business systems?


Yes, Netchex offers integration capabilities with various third-party systems, including accounting software, time clock systems, benefits providers, and HRIS platforms.

Final Note

In terms of integration and cost savings, Netchex provides cost-effective solutions compared to competitors. It offers features like direct deposit, online access for employees, and efficient tax reporting.

Why We Picked isolved?

isolved is a comprehensive human capital management (HCM) platform that integrates various HR and payroll functions into one centralized system. It offers payroll processing, benefits administration, time tracking, HR management, compliance, and employee self-service solutions.

The platform provides employees with customer service excellence, comprehensive functionality, a user-friendly interface, customizability, continuous improvement, knowledgeable support staff, integration capabilities, reporting features, stability, reliability, and efficiency.

  • featureEmployee directory housing
  • featureEmployee headshot housing and display
  • featureCustomizable organizational structures
  • feature Functionality to export data for organizational charts
  • featureMass data upload capabilities
  • Excellent Customer Service – Employees consistently praise the exceptional customer service provided by isolved, noting helpful, friendly, and responsive representatives.
  • Comprehensive HR & Payroll Features – isolved offers a wide range of features covering HR and payroll management tasks, providing a complete solution for businesses.
  • Customization & Flexibility – The platform's customization options and flexibility to meet specific business needs are repeatedly mentioned as valuable features.
  • Accessibility & Remote Work – The web-based nature of isolved allows for easy access from anywhere, supporting remote work and accessibility to HR-related information.
  • Complexity Challenges – Complicated navigation and an overwhelming amount of information make tasks more challenging.
  • Reporting Challenges – Reporting features lack integration, requiring additional work to track changes and access data.
  • Steep Learning Curve – isolved presents an overwhelming learning curve, especially for uninvolved employees in the initial setup.
  • Technical & Operational Issues – Challenges with payroll entry, user-friendliness, and accessibility affect operational efficiency.

What problems does isolved solve for employees?


isolved addresses common challenges businesses face in managing HR and payroll processes, including streamlining payroll management, centralizing employee data, automating tax calculation and filing, improving HR processes, enhancing employee self-service, facilitating communication, ensuring compliance, and simplifying onboarding.

Can isolved help with compliance management?


Yes, isolved assists users in staying compliant with various regulations, such as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), by providing reporting tools and tracking features. It also offers support for tax compliance and other HR-related laws.

Does isolved offer support for employee self-service?


Through a user-friendly self-service portal, isolved provides employees with easy access to their pay stubs, benefits information, time-off balances, and other HR-related data. It reduces the administrative burden on HR personnel and empowers employees to manage their information.

How customizable is isolved to fit specific business needs?


isolved offers customization options to tailor the platform to specific business requirements. Employees can customize reports, workflows, forms, and other features to suit their needs and preferences.

Is training available for employees to learn how to use isolved effectively?


Yes, isolved offers training resources and support to help employees learn how to use the platform effectively. It includes tutorials, webinars, documentation, and responsive customer support to address questions or issues.

Final Note

isolved key features and functionalities address employees' most common pain points related to HR and payroll management, resulting in increased efficiency, accuracy, and overall satisfaction with the platform.

Why We Picked APS?

APS is a comprehensive payroll and HR solution designed to streamline payroll processing, manage employee data, and ensure compliance with regulations.

The platform helps employees overcome various HR, payroll, and compliance challenges, thus increasing efficiency, cost savings, and overall employee satisfaction.

  • featureIntegrated employee profile feed (e.g., to team communication platforms, from incumbent HCM systems)
  • featureEmployee directory housing
  • featureEmployee headshot housing and display
  • featureVersion tracking and historical data display
  • featureMass data upload capabilities
  • featureAutomated case routing (i.e., case management for employee requests and inquiries)
  • Comprehensive HR Solution – APS offers a broad suite of HR functionalities, including payroll, benefits administration, onboarding, performance reviews, and document management, all integrated into one platform.
  • Excellent Customer Service – The platform consistently provides exceptional customer service, with responsive support teams, dedicated account managers, and quick resolution of issues or questions.
  • User-Friendly Interface – APS is highly praised for its user-friendly interface, making it easy for employees to navigate, learn, and implement the system efficiently.
  • Cost-Effectiveness – As a cost-effective solution compared to other payroll and HR platforms, APS is providing value for money without compromising quality or features.
  • Slow Performance & Inconsistencies – Employees report that the system is sometimes slow or non-functional, especially during periods of heavy usage.
  • Navigation Issues – Some employees experience challenges navigating menus, finding features, and understanding reporting functions.
  • Limited Control Over Certain Functions – Employees report a lack of control over certain functions, such as adding new locations or deduction items.
  • Occasional Unresponsiveness & Glitches – The system may become occasionally unresponsive or experience glitches, especially during periods of heavy usage.

How does APS help with payroll processing?


APS simplifies payroll processing by automating tax calculations, direct deposits, and year-end reporting tasks. It reduces the time required to complete payroll tasks while improving accuracy.

How does APS assist with compliance management?


APS offers robust reporting features and tools for compliance management, including ACA reporting, PPA requirements, OSHA reporting, and regulatory tracking.

Can APS be customized to meet specific business needs?


Yes, APS seamlessly integrates with other systems and offers customization options to meet employees' specific requirements, providing flexibility and tailored solutions suitable for businesses of all sizes, from small to large enterprises.

What level of customer support does APS provide?


APS offers exceptional customer support, with quick and helpful assistance provided whenever employees encounter issues or have questions. The support team is knowledgeable and responsive.

Does APS offer automation features?


Yes, APS offers automation features for onboarding, performance reviews, time tracking, and reporting, helping streamline workflows and reduce manual data entry.

Final Note

APS addresses various pain points related to payroll processing, compliance management, employee lifecycle management, and reporting, resulting in increased employee efficiency, accuracy, and satisfaction.

Why We Picked Ceridian?

Ceridian’s cloud-based platform combines HR, payroll, benefits, timekeeping, scheduling, and other workforce management functions into a single solution.

It addresses different needs, from payroll accuracy and compliance to streamlining HR processes and reducing manual workloads for employees and administrators.

  • featureEmployee directory housing
  • featureLinkedIn profile import
  • feature Employee headshot housing and display
  • featureCustomizable organizational structures
  • featureFunctionality to export data for organizational charts
  • featureVersion tracking and historical data display
  • User-Friendliness & Integration – The platform’s interface is easy to navigate for both employees and managers. Ceridian integrates with various applications and partners, enhancing connectivity and workflow efficiency.
  • All-in-One Solution – Ceridian covers various HR functions within a single platform, including payroll, benefits, time tracking, scheduling, recruiting, and performance management.
  • Real-Time Updates & Calculations – The platform provides real-time updates and continuous calculations, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in payroll processing and other HR tasks.
  • Efficiency & Flexibility – Employees report increased efficiency and significant time savings in various HR processes, particularly in payroll processing and reporting. The platform’s customization options meet organizational needs, making it adaptable to different business structures.
  • Implementation Challenges – Employees reported difficulties and frustrations with the implementation process, including issues with consultants lacking experience and ineffective setup for the organization.
  • Limited Customer Support – Dissatisfaction with the support system, including long response times, misunderstandings, and delays in problem resolution.
  • System Glitches & Performance Issues – Slow performance, system glitches, and delays in loading screens that impact productivity and user experience.
  • Costs for Additional Services – Some functionalities or customizations come with additional costs, potentially making the platform expensive for employees.

What specific problems does Ceridian solve for employees?


Ceridian solves various problems, such as manual processes, paper-based tasks, fragmented HR systems, compliance challenges, payroll inaccuracies, and inefficient reporting.

How does Ceridian streamline business processes?


Ceridian streamlines processes by automating tasks, eliminating manual data entry, providing real-time data access, and offering customizable workflows tailored to the specific needs of each organization.

Can Ceridian help with compliance?


Yes, Ceridian helps ensure compliance with government regulations and industry standards by automating compliance tasks, providing regular updates, and offering robust reporting and auditing capabilities.

How does Ceridian enhance the employee experience?


Ceridian enhances the employee experience by offering self-service options, mobile accessibility, transparent communication, and easy access to HR records and processes.

Is Ceridian customizable?


Yes, Ceridian is highly customizable, allowing organizations to tailor the platform to their needs, configure workflows, and generate custom reports.

Final Note

Ceridian’s versatility, usability, efficiency, and comprehensive features make it an asset for organizations looking to streamline their HR operations and improve employee management.

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  • Employee self-service
  • Manager self-service
  • Global capabilities
  • GDPR Compliant
  • Android native application
  • iOS native application
  • Responsive design
  • SaaS / Cloud-based
  • Dashboard analytics
  • Third-party integrations
  • SOC audit(s) performed
150 Vendors
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Reviews pending
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Deel ( Visit Website )

Deel simplifies every aspect of managing a global team. Consolidate your team data into one modern platform, then globally manage employee payroll and contractor invoices without dealing with complicated tax systems, confusing international withholdings, or ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
425M Series D
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
3rd Party Integrations
Dashboard analytics
Employee self-service
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -

Visit Website

4.2 (119 reviews)
Full Reviews Breakdown

Paycor ( Visit Website )

Paycor modernizes every aspect of people management, from recruiting, onboarding and payroll to career development and retention. For more than 30 years, Paycor has been listening to and partnering with leaders to learn what they need: a comprehensive, unified... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
270M Private Equity Round
Minimum Group Size
1 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Applicant Tracking System
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -

Visit Website

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BambooHR ( Visit Website )

BambooHR is the leading provider of tools that power the strategic evolution of HR in small-to-medium-sized businesses. BambooHR’s cloud-based system is an intuitive, affordable way for growing companies to track and manage essential employee information in ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Minimum Group Size
1 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Leave / Absence Management
Applicant Tracking System
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -

Visit Website

Reviews pending
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HiBob ( Visit Website )

HiBob's modern HR platform, Bob, is built for today's HR leaders. Get Core HR to automate your workflows and save time, create employee engagement that retains and delights, and centralize your people data for real-time analytics that support decision-making. ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
150M Series D
Minimum Group Size
30 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Performance Management
HR Analytics Software
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -

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Oyster ( Visit Website )

Our mission is to create a more equal world by making it possible for companies everywhere to hire people anywhere. We believe it should be easy for any company to hire any person, no matter where they are located in the world... View Full Profile

Not Provided
Lives Serviced
Not Provided
Not Provided
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
Top Offerings
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -

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Paychex ( Visit Website )

The Paychex modular, end-to-end online human resource management system helps you recruit, hire, pay, and manage your workforce all in one place... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
HR Outsourcing (HRO) / Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
HR Compliance Services
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -

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Reviews pending
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GoCo is modern HR, benefits, and payroll, built with flexibility and ease-of-use in mind. Our mission is to help small businesses spend less time on manual HR tasks, so you can focus on growing happier, more productive teams. Unlike other HRIS platforms, GoCo ... View Full Profile

Not Provided
Lives Serviced
Not Provided
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
Top Offerings
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
1.5 (1 reviews)
Full Reviews Breakdown

UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)

UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) is a global provider of human capital management, payroll, HR service delivery, and workforce management solutions. The company comes from a successful merger that created one of the largest cloud companies in the world. UKG ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
1 Angel Round
Minimum Group Size
100 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Human Resources
Time and Attendance
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
4.0 (1 reviews)
Full Reviews Breakdown


Rippling gives businesses one place to run HR, IT, and Finance. It brings together all of the workforce systems that are normally scattered across a company, like payroll, expenses, benefits, and computers. So for the first time ever, you can manage and ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
500M Series E
Minimum Group Size
2 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Benefits Administration
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
Reviews pending
Full Reviews Breakdown


Zenefits is a SaaS cloud-based human resources platform that helps more than 11,000 small and mid-sized companies empower their workforce, manage change and stay compliant. Zenefits' People Platform delivers the most comprehensive, intuitive HR experience in ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
500M Series C
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Benefits Administration
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
4.3 (125 reviews)
Full Reviews Breakdown


Employers around the world rely on ADP for cloud-based solutions to help manage their most important asset — their people. From human resources and payroll to talent management and benefits administration, ADP brings unmatched expertise to help clients ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
20M Series C
Minimum Group Size
50 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Benefits Administration
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
Reviews pending
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Workday is a leading provider of enterprise cloud applications for finance, HR, and planning. Founded in 2005, Workday delivers financial management, human capital management, and analytics applications designed for the world’s largest companies, educational... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
85M Series F
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
Top Offerings
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
4.2 (912 reviews)
Full Reviews Breakdown


The foundation of our platform is a single employee system of record that supports the complete employee lifecycle: Recruiting & Onboarding, Benefits, Time & Labor, Payroll, HR, Learning, and Performance & Compensation. Our platform centralizes payroll and ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
10M Venture Round
Minimum Group Size
1 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Human Resources
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
Reviews pending
Full Reviews Breakdown


Paycom launched in 1998 as one of the nation’s first web based HR and payroll technology companies. From the beginning, Paycom has been committed to the ongoing development of a single database that lowers labor costs, drives employee engagement and reduces ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
Minimum Group Size
50 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Applicant Tracking System
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
Reviews pending
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With modern, intuitive technology and a world-class team of HR experts, Namely empowers people teams with a complete HR solution designed for mid-sized businesses. Namely streamlines all of your HR data into a single platform with an interface you AND your ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Not Provided
60M Series E
Minimum Group Size
25 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Human Resources
Benefits Administration
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
5.0 (2 reviews)
Full Reviews Breakdown


Eddy is the all-in-one HR Suite built to help local businesses with deskless workforces hire reliable workers, retain workers through better company culture, and minimize business risk and penalties. Founded in 2017 by former professional basketball player ... View Full Profile

Not Provided
Lives Serviced
Not Provided
1 Seed Round
Minimum Group Size
1 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Applicant Tracking System
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
4.5 (12 reviews)
Full Reviews Breakdown


Netchex is a cloud-based, single-source HR solution. Our technology is easy to use, yet powerful enough to provide the data you need to run your company effectively. As a comprehensive Human Capital Management system, we have everything you need to manage the ... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
Minimum Group Size
No Minimum
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
Reviews pending
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SyncHR is a radically different, next-gen Human Capital Management Solution designed to give mid-market companies enterprise-level HR, payroll and benefit management capabilities without the complexity, cost or attitude... View Full Profile

Lives Serviced
12M Venture Round
Minimum Group Size
200 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
Top Offerings
Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
Benefits Administration
Average Cost
- - -
Key Clients
- - -
Clients Your Size
- - -
Reviews pending
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Criterion provides a complete HCM solution that includes the following modules: HR, Benefits Management, Payroll, Time & Attendance, Recruitment, Performance Management, Learning Management, Employee and Manager Self Service, Compliance Reporting, Open ... View Full Profile

Not Provided
Lives Serviced
Minimum Group Size
200 eligible
3rd Party Integrations
Android Native Application
Dashboard analytics
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Bundled Solution (HCM/HRIS/HRMS)
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Collaboration Software Partners, LLC.

UKG/Kronos Workforce Ready is a highly configurable single application for Payroll & Tax, Time & Attendance, Human Resources, Recruiting, Onboarding, Benefits Administration, ACA Management, Performance Management, Succession Planning, Learning Management, ... View Full Profile

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What is HRIS Software?

A Human Resources Information System (HRIS) is a software solution for managing all aspects of the employee lifecycle within an organization. HRIS software typically includes features for storing, tracking, and analyzing various employee data forms, including recruitment and applicant tracking, payroll, attendance management, benefits administration, and performance management. By leveraging technology to streamline people processes, HRIS enables businesses to keep up with the ever-evolving workplace trends and improve overall efficiency.

What does HRIS stand for?

HRIS is an abbreviation for "Human Resource Information System." While HRIS, Human Resource Management System (HRMS), and Human Capital Management (HCM) are related management systems for managing employees using HR software, there are subtle differences in their key capabilities.

How to use HRIS Software?

To effectively use HRIS software, businesses should choose a solution that fits their needs and be mindful that even seemingly easy-to-use software can have many features that require optimization. After setting up the software and inputting employee data, HRIS can be used to manage all aspects of the employee lifecycle.

How to learn HRIS Software?

Learning HRIS software involves several approaches, such as enrolling in online courses, attending training workshops, reading user manuals and guides, and practicing using the software through hands-on experience. Furthermore, looking for free trials or demos is recommended to evaluate the software's effectiveness and cost before committing to a long-term solution. HRIS software tutorials are also helpful, providing more in-depth insights into using the software and making it easier for HR professionals and employees to become more familiar.

Can an Employee Engagement Software be integrated into an HRIS?

It varies depending on the employee engagement software and the HRIS in use, but generally, it is possible to integrate employee engagement software into an HRIS. Integrating employee engagement software into an HRIS can create a comprehensive human capital management system, which streamlines various HR processes and frees up time to focus on more strategic tasks such as business growth.

How much does HRIS Software cost?

The cost of HRIS software varies depending on the size of the company, the number of employees, the level of automation, and the extent of customization required. According to research from the past five years, businesses pay around $12,625 per user, which is approximately $210 per user per month.

What is the Role of an HRIS Analyst?

An HRIS analyst is responsible for maintaining and enhancing HRIS systems, ensuring data quality, and evaluating and reporting on HRIS data by combining IT skills with data expertise in the HR field, similar to a system administrator.