
Maxwell Health

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Maxwell Health Products (2)


Benefits Administration


Benefits Decision Support

Product Description

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26 eligible

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Product Features


Benefits record management (e.g., employee eligibility tracking, life event documentation)


Enrollment planning and scheduling


Decision support tools and modelers to assist in plan selection


Built-in payroll deduction calculator based on elections


Deduction effective date calculations (e.g., upon entry of employee benefit enrollment, timing of life event)


Automatic calculation of salary-based benefits (e.g., disability and life insurance)

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Product Features


Benefits record management (e.g., employee eligibility tracking, life event documentation)


Enrollment planning and scheduling


Decision support tools and modelers to assist in plan selection


Built-in payroll deduction calculator based on elections


Deduction effective date calculations (e.g., upon entry of employee benefit enrollment, timing of life event)


Automatic calculation of salary-based benefits (e.g., disability and life insurance)


Cost calculations based on individual activities and personal circumstances (e.g., wellness incentives, domestic partnerships, etc.)


Functionality for employees to change elections during enrollment window


Automatic benefit changes due to employment status or role changes (e.g., move from union to non-union, reduction of hours below full-time threshold)


Flexibility to set company rules for dependents and beneficiaries


Administration of wellness incentives and surcharges


Finance/payroll administration and system integration


Direct billing

Maxwell Health Info



Funding Summary:



One Sun Life Executive Park, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481





Maxwell Health is an integrated, carrier owned and distributed technology platform for small-to-midsize businesses. Maxwell offers a fully paperless operating system for employee benefits that streamlines online enrollment in all types of benefits and empowers employees to engage with their... Show More

About this vendor

Maxwell Health is an integrated, carrier owned and distributed technology platform for small-to-midsize businesses. Maxwell offers a fully paperless operating system for employee benefits that streamlines online enrollment in all types of benefits and empowers employees to engage with their health and well-being. Maxwell totally reinvents the benefits shopping experience and Maxwell's mobile app engages employees throughout the year.

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