Overall, Wrangle works directly with you. We will only work with your client after you instruct Wrangle to do so.
We have a 4-phase circular process that has been proven successful after preparing 225,000 Form 5500s since 2006:
Phase 1:
Wrangle requests Plan & Policy Data information to be updated in the Dashboard.
Phase 2:
Wrangle requests & collects Schedule As from Carriers
Phase 3:
Wrangle drafts the 5500 & SAR. Sends for review.
Phase 4:
Wrangle e-files Form 5500. Wrangle sends the DOL Auth. Code.
All along the way we will:
+ Manage timing and deadlines
+ Gather Schedule A and C data from Insurance companies and Administrators
+ Answer technical questions
+ Provide guidance on complex situations (e.g., DFVC, E-Filing problems, Trusts, etc.)
+ Prepare signature-ready Form 5500’s for E-Filing
+ E-File on behalf of Plan Sponsor (if authorized)
+ Prepare Summary Annual Reports (SAR)
+ Prepare Form 5558 (Extension of Time to File) as necessary
+ Provide e-filing instructions
+ Correct errors and deficiencies in Forms as required