Examples: diabetes, identity theft, COVID, Paychex, Fidelity
Compare and evaluate MedExpert International, Inc. vs Quantum Health based on data from reviews, publicly available
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MedExpert International, Inc. offers Clinical Navigation / Care Coordination, Patient Advocacy, COVID-19 Contact Tracing to companies
with 4,000,000 employees.
Quantum Health offers Clinical Navigation / Care Coordination, Benefits Navigation Platform, Utilization Management to companies
with 3,100,000 employees.
The information in these side-by-side comparisons can be used to help your company make the best choice for its
In an ever-changing and complex healthcare environment, consumers need a simple way to get expert guidance. With Quantum Health comprehensive... Show More
1,000 eligible
Not Provided.
MedExpert is a health care technology company headquartered in Redwood City, California, that provides an innovative health delivery model to... Show More
Quantum Health is the industry-leading consumer healthcare navigation and care coordination company that delivers an unparalleled consumer experience for our... Show More
Redwood City, California
Columbus, Ohio
Not Provided