
Garner Health

Claimed vendor Claimed
Reviews pending

Garner Health Products (3)


Clinical Navigation / Care Coordination


Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA)


Claims Analytics

Product Description

The data is clear: the single most important factor in determining health outcomes and cost outcomes is which doctor the patient sees. And the data shows a huge variation in the performance of doctors. <br /> <br /> Garner measures doctor performance better than ever before. We have claims data... Show More

About this product

The data is clear: the single most important factor in determining health outcomes and cost outcomes is which doctor the patient sees. And the data shows a huge variation in the performance of doctors.

Garner measures doctor performance better than ever before. We have claims data on 300 million patients and we use over 600 metrics. We put that doctor quality data into an easy-to-use member-facing tool where employees can get information not available anywhere else on which doctor is best for them. And we solve the issues of engagement by changing the incentives in the health plan. Specifically, we work with the employer to cover the out-of-pocket costs for employees who use our tools to find a top-performing doctor in their network. We see engagement rates that are about 45%, which is about 10X more than standard care navigation tools.

The overall impact of the program is richer benefits and better health outcomes for employees. And, employers typically get 10% lower health plan costs while keeping their existing network in place.

Min. Group Size

50 eligible

Lives Serviced


Average Cost

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Garner Health Media

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Garner Health Info



Funding Summary:

45M Series B





Garner is a simple plan addition that uses data science and incentive accounts to drive employees to receive care from the best-performing doctors. This unique model allows brokers to easily deliver improved quality and guaranteed savings for any plan, without... Show More

About this vendor

Garner is a simple plan addition that uses data science and incentive accounts to drive employees to receive care from the best-performing doctors. This unique model allows brokers to easily deliver improved quality and guaranteed savings for any plan, without changing networks or carriers and without cost shifting.

Garner Health Alternatives

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